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Sometimes it’s the simple things

Like having burgers grilled up for the staff at lunch. Throw on some gravy, mushrooms, freshly grown tomatoes (yeah Jeff & Y-bone grow em out of our front door), some onions, and whatever else. Just saying I think lance missed out on the home made salsa on his.

Om NOM NOm Nom nom

Yep thats right- Chicken, Coleslaw, Tomatoes, and Red Potato Salad. Can’t complain, well except for the lack of waffles. For some reason people don’t trust me saying they go great together. Maybe next time.

Homemade Gyros

There’s nothing like motivating your workforce with the aromatic goodness of Gyro’s taunting them. Jeff pulled out all the stops on this stuff, and Pat keeps laughing at me putting the photos up.

County Pages

We’ve got some exciting updates coming soon. In order to make things easier for people to get maps, guides, and coupons we are creating small info pages for every county. Stay tuned to see how things will look.