It’s a Smorgasbord!

Transport your taste buds to Sweden at a Swedish smorgasbord in Wright! Traditionally, Swedes considered entertaining guests

Continuing my journey to obesity: Breakfast edition

Today consisted of homemade pasta marinara, Swedish meatballs,…

Tender, Juicy, Cheesy & Delicious

It's amazing what a good pairing succulent chicken drum sticks…

They didn’t think I’d do it…

What kind of glutenous gastronomical monstrosity did I come up…

Nerd Card Reinstated

It had to happen eventually. With free unlimited supply of mountain…

Our boss has a diabolical plan

It's called feed the employees so much they can't get up from…

Sometimes it’s the simple things

Like having burgers grilled up for the staff at lunch. Throw…

mmmMMMMMmm.. Chicken Soup

Nothing like a little homemade soup and some sandwiches. Tender…

Om NOM NOm Nom nom

Yep thats right- Chicken, Coleslaw, Tomatoes, and Red Potato…

Part 2 of This is why I’m going to be fat

So it wasn't enough to have the delicious salsa and guac, had…